Zukunftswerkstatt E-Portfolio
Bedarfe, Potentiale und Herausforderungen für das E-Portfolios an der Universität Leuphana – Dokumentation eines Workshops zu den Bedürfnissen der Lehrenden im Kontext des E-Portfolios.
A project led by Prof. Dr. A. Karber (Faculty of Education)
Digital examination forms and elements offer great potential for making examinations not only more sustainable due to their paperless nature, but also more varied in terms of didactics and for expanding the portfolio of possible examination formats overall. Moreover, in standardized examination contexts, automated and anonymous evaluations make them a particularly fair and resource-saving alternative to traditional forms of assessment.
Due to the current digitalization push, digitally supported teaching-learning concepts are increasingly being used in teaching. However, in the sense of constructive alignment, such concepts must always be developed in line with the intended competency goals, the achievement of which must in turn be recorded by suitable forms of assessment. Therefore, appropriate options for digitally supported examinations should also be created. However, these are tied to numerous technical and legal prerequisites that must be developed, tested and checked accordingly. In addition, new digital formats such as open-book or 24-hour examinations also require the development of innovative task formats, through which the transfer and application of knowledge is tested instead of knowledge being queried, entirely in the sense of competence orientation. The special arrangements during the Corona pandemic made it possible for Leuphana to gather extensive practical experience with regard to the didactic, technical and (examination) legal requirements, challenges and potentials of e-examinations. In order to enable not only digital examinations but also innovative digital examination services such as e-portfolios, wikis, and self-created multimedia products as well as their integration into examination tasks on a regular basis in the long term, Germany-wide research on common forms of e-examinations and initial university-wide explorations were already carried out at Leuphana in 2019, which this project follows up on.
Bedarfe, Potentiale und Herausforderungen für das E-Portfolios an der Universität Leuphana – Dokumentation eines Workshops zu den Bedürfnissen der Lehrenden im Kontext des E-Portfolios.
Wie ist der aktuelle Stand im Projekt, was kommt noch in der verbliebenen Projektlaufzeit und was für Rückmeldung gibt es eigentlich von den Studierenden? In