Introducing DATAxHub
A Hub for fostering data literacy skills at the University of Leuphana by Fransisco Arcila Salamanca The DATAxHub is a Jupyterhub implementation introduced during the
A project led by Prof. Dr. B. Funk (Fak. Wirtschaft) and Prof. Dr. Ch. Wegener (Method Center).
The SP7 from DigiTaL aims to further develop an interdisciplinary format for data literacy education for studying in primarily non-technical and non-scientific courses at the Leuphana University. Its main goal is to motivate students to question and evaluate statements and connections from data in a self-determined, reflective and responsible manner in the age of digital change while focusing on strengthening their data literacy skills.
Building on top of the preparatory work done by DATAxthe project will:
Expand the data literacy offer in complementary studies for first semester students of all subjects by: 1) Carrying out a survey of the expected data literacy needs of college students in semesters 2-6, 2) developing four modules with the acquisition of lecturers from the all faculties and finally, 3) implementing the courses and permanent anchoring them in the curriculum.
Organize and produce modular and target group-oriented online courses to improve data literacy. These virtual courses are to be made available “on-demand” to students of all disciplines, so that they can acquire basic tools for data analysis at any time as required. Together with the investigation and design of attractive learning material and relatable cases with applications in the real-world, the contents will be tailored for the needs of different disciplines (i.e., with real life exampled and data from social sciences, psychology and other subjects unrelated to the computer sciences)
Improve digital teaching and exam support. For the optimal use of the resources needed for the first two items, applications for automated evaluation of academic achievements (esp. autograding of programming exercises and recognition of code plagiarism) and for feedback will be examined and introduced. This encompasses literature review, testing and evaluation of existing tools and the development of a continuous integrational workflow
With this set goals the SP7 will add to the DigiTaL framework by creating new educational spaces aligned with the data literacy education for the further development of teaching innovations.
A Hub for fostering data literacy skills at the University of Leuphana by Fransisco Arcila Salamanca The DATAxHub is a Jupyterhub implementation introduced during the
Orientierung für die Bildung zur Daten- und Digitalkompetenz an der Leuphana Von Dr. Juliane Reichel und Johannes Katsarov Was die die digitale Datenwelt mit Statistik
Wie ist der aktuelle Stand im Projekt, was kommt noch in der verbliebenen Projektlaufzeit und was für Rückmeldung gibt es eigentlich von den Studierenden? In